If there is a sport I love more than CrossFit (and yes, CrossFit is a sport) it is people watching.
There is nothing more entertaining than sitting in the middle of a mall and watching people walk by. Sometimes I even make up stories about their life, knowing nothing about them other than their outfit.
In a city like Medellín, where women’s fashion and personal appearance are so important, it is pretty easy to spot foreigners walking around. Now I am not saying it is a bad thing to look like a foreigner. To each their own.
If you don’t mind, more power to you, but if you are looking to fit in a little bit more with the ever-present fashion scene here, then this LookBook is for you.
I have been living in Medellín for six years now and I have seen tons of trends pass by. When I first arrived in this beautiful city everybody wore jeans, even if it was over 80 degrees. They could be sweating in terrible ways but jeans were always a staple in their wardrobe.
I would ask myself, in a city with such an amazing climate, why would anybody force themselves to wear jeans. I personally hate jeans and owned maybe two pairs when I got here. Needless to say that number has increased in the past few years.
Lately, I have been noticing that people are switching their jeans for skirts, shorts and dresses. Fashion in Medellín has been changing.
Maybe they didn’t wear shorts before because men here (no offense) are pigs, and never turn down the opportunity to wolf whistle or make comments on a woman’s appearance. Some like the attention, others hate it and feel very uncomfortable.


Very interesting, thanks. Will you be doing an article on men’s fashion?
If not me, than Ryan. Hopefully sometime soon.
Love this article! These are awesome styles. I am inspired and so excited to try them. Thanks a lot for sharing.