The Jump From Idaho To Colombia


I’m about to start packing my bags for Medellin.  Before I leave, I’ve been trying to fit in some of my favorite things to do in my hometown, and saying good-byes to those most important to me.  I was most grateful to get to see Broke City, my favorite band, in concert just a few days before I leave.  I even got in a few base jumps from some new objects.

I’m really the most excited to throw myself into a new culture and new life.  I know that I’ll enjoy the nightlife and dancing, and I’m already craving arepas con queso.  I’m also extremely excited that I’m arriving just days before the Flower Festival, Feria de las Flores.  It will be unbeatable to see such a beautiful and fun part of the culture practically right when I walk off the plane.  Plus, a week of live music…that’s practically heaven in my book.

I’m most scared about being in such a big city, considering I’ve only spent about a month total in other big cities.  My small hometown has a population of about 45,000 and you can drive from one side of town to the other in less than 10 minutes.  Getting the hang of public transportation will actually be a big learning experience for me.

One thing I really want to look into right away is doing some volunteer work.  I have a handful of random and otherwise worthless skills that I’d like to put to good use, and I’ve always found that other volunteers have the best networks of good friends.

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I love relaxing and enjoying the view of life. Whether the view is from the top of a BASE object, or from my balcony in Envigado, Colombia. I love life when it's up, and I'm trying harder to love life when it's down as well. My biggest loves in life are (in order!) Family, BASE, Music, Boys that play music, and Alcohol. I get along with everyone that doesn't take me too seriously, and with people that are ok with the fact that you should disregard almost anything I say when I'm drunk!