Siembra is a new coworking space located on Calle 10 in Poblado, near cafes, restaurants and public transportation. They’ve been open for almost two months and are focused on intercultural, interdisciplinary coworking that leads to better networking, connections, and work environments.
Siembra’s goal:
“To help like minded people who run growing businesses to prosper. At Siembra we work with people from all walks of life to reach their full potential. Our coworkers share our commitment to making the world a better place through a holistic approach to business. Together we are the new generation of job creators.”
They’re hands-on, walking co-workers through the options they have, building the strengths of the individual as well as the group they’re part of.
About Siembra
Siembra is located on Calle 10, near via Provenza and Primavera. They’re also one of the best-organized coworking spaces I’ve personally been able to observe. They not only provide the space and the support that other spaces do, they also have a large network of people to collaborate with beyond the coworkers who are there every day, constant alternative events and a really great community.
Siembra is made for everyone, ideally, but focused towards millennials living and working in Medellín. They have made a serious effort to build a network with other places in the city and have alliances with spaces such as: Ruta N, Parque E, La Casa Redonda, Impact Hub, The Tony Elumelu Foundation, Epicentro, among many others.
Though they’ve taken care of creating the space, the idea is that the community will really make it the best space it can be, that people will identify with the space and each other and collaborate on ideas that create social impact, giving back to the city that brought them all together, our dear Medellín.
To create this community feel, Al and Mala have started what they call “el banco de habilidades” or the skills bank, for which you can sign up here. It’s a database of people and their skills around the city, which will be at the fingertips of the Siembra community for collaborating and co-working with all the amazing talent there is to source from in the city.

About Mala and Al
Mala is British, she has been living and working in Medellín for coming up to four years. She decided to move to Medellín when she’d finished her International Development and Economics degree to work with NGOs in Colombia. Having worked in the not for profit sector here for three years she is now trying to have the same social impact by facilitating entrepreneurs and growing business through Siembra Coworking.
Al is from Scotland and has been living in Medellín since August 2015. He studied Mechanical Engineering at Newcastle University followed by four years working as a Strategy Consultant in London for both Accenture and BT Openreach. Here in Medellín, he currently runs Siembra Coworking with his business partner Mala and also teaches English at EAFIT University.
They’re the backbone of Siembra Coworking, and in a short amount of time have attracted professionals participating in all kinds of work. Currently, they have co-workers from Uber, graphic designers, travel writers, a local volunteer coordinator, and a java coder, to name a few.
Alternative and Varied Work Environments
Though Siembra isn’t a particularly large coworking space, compared to others in the city, Al and Mala have designed it to provide the most diverse amount of areas possible.

There are seven different areas inside Siembra:
- A Conference Room
- La Esperanza- an indoor social area next to the entrance
- La Cocina- an equipped kitchen
- El Hueco- A bright, sunlit space meant for co-workers to socialize and collaborate.
- El Pasaje- A space between El Hueco and El Rincón.
- El Rincón: A more private, quiet area for those who need to hide out and focus.
- El Jardín- the outdoor terrace, equipped with pallet furniture, a corner of herbs and other plants and a view.

Siembra Events: Work Together, Play Together
At Siembra, they try to constantly bring in the community to not only work together, but participate in recreational activites of all sorts, their recent events include:
- New Moon Yoga
- Rooftop Cinema
- PubQuiz
- Sunday Chill Sessions
- An Excel Workshop coming up on October 19th
- Per Day 30,000 COP ($10)
- Per Week 130,000 COP ($44)
- Per Month 430,00 COP ($146)
- 3+ Months ( per month) 350,000 COP ($153)
For more information on Siembra check out their website, Facebook, Instagram, hit them up on WhatsApp +57 323 384 7169, or stop by their place, located on Calle 10 # 36 – 44 Office 302!
Have you been to Siembra Coworking or other coworking spaces in the city? Tell us in the comments below!
dear Ximena great info on Medellin !!! thank you !!! I searched your site… I searched google … I can not find info on buying a car in Colombia on a US tourist visa and then being able to transfer title, registration, insurance and then driving onto Ecuador … Peru … please advise – do I need a RUT ? or do I just do the RUNT? thank you so much!