In 2011, Medellin Living solidified its position as the #1 blog for Colombia’s City of the Eternal Spring.
Visits to the site tripled over 2010, thanks in big part to a host of contributors who helped fill in the gaps while I focused on the nightlife and restaurant scene.
Top 10 Posts of 2011
- Medellin Women: Rules of the Game – by Marcello Arrambide
- FIFA Under-20 World Cup in Colombia
- Photo Essay: Sexy Colombian Models
- The Love Motel – A Fun & Practical Solution to Sex in Colombia – by Jessica Rich
- Dulce Jesus Mio
- Robbed in Medellin
- Discoteca Luxury
- 11 Exotic Tropical Fruits of Colombia – by Jessica Rich
- Partying at MIA VIP Room (Discoteca)
- Medellin Drinking Guide: Beer, Aguardiente, Rum and Wine – by Hannah
Honorable Mentions: 2011 Colombia Salsa Festival and Remembering Holly Joan Brittsan
What kind of stories would you like to see more of in 2012?
Leave a comment and let us know.
Yo Dave, props on this blog and to the other contributors, I got hooked the other night and nearly read every single one. Super informative, concise and interesting, alot of help for fellow gringos…love it all.
Found your site on ColombiaReports which was introduced to me by Colin Post (eXPAT-cHRONICLES). Never been to Medellin so im super pumped on making the maiden voyage
Hey Alex, awesome! Thanks for the positive feedback. Enjoy your trip and let me know if you have any questions. It’s a gorgeous city, and I hope to get back for a few months myself in 2012.
I have traveled to many places in south america…like quito and buenos aires..and they all have blogs similar to this…but man…this is pretty well organized. Props to the blogger.
I’d just like to say that I have spent a week in each of the above two cities without any incidents at all. I was on the verge of cancelling my trip due to some negative comments about Medellin, but after some kind advice from Dave Lee I went ahead with it.
I’m very glad I did; here’s why: all the people that I came into contact were very nice, polite and friendly, including taxi drivers. I hardly bothered phoning for one in advance, I just made sure that the taxi was in good condition and that the driver was not some young guy. Hey, it worked for me anyway.
Also, the people in Medellin always ask if you like their city and are keen to say that their city is safe, and want you to tell your friends that as well. I loved the way that whenever I said thank you for a meal or beer in some place, the staff always replied ‘ con mucho gusto.’ Really nice! I’d like to come back next year and hang out in Envigado and Sabaneta as the Colombian guys that I met in Tres Cordilleras bar said that they were cool places for nightlife too.
So, I would say to potential visitors to Medellin ” you will instantly like it here, the people are kind and friendly-learn as much spanish as you can before coming-and there is plenty of things to see and do here. However, keep your street sense about you: don’t walk down lonely streets late at night, when taxis are dirt cheap, don’t accept drinks from anybody and don’t flash your valuables about. As the Medellin saying goes ‘No dar papaya.’
As for Cali; unless you really, really are into salsa dancing, there’s not much else to do here. So, Medellin takes the cake. See you next year.
Hi Terry, so glad you had a safe and fun experience, and thanks for taking the time to share that here.