Full-figured, big-boned, chubby, voluptuous, or just good old-fashioned fat, however you describe the sculptures of Fernando Botero they are definitely larger than life.
The renowned Colombian artist, kindly donated these bronze sculptures to the city of Medellin and they can be found in all their big brazen beauty in the center of the city, just a stone’s throw away from Estación Parque Berrío (Linea A).
Located in what is an otherwise rather run-down area, the sculptures are another example of Medellín’s ability to transform locations that are traditionally perceived as destitute into places of learning and entertainment.
The plaza, which is also home to the Museo de Antioquia where you can learn more about the artist and his work, has 23 of Botero’s sculptures scattered around it.

The sculptures are in a variety of different forms.
You’ve got buxom ladies, smart dressed men in suits, an Adam, an Eve, a dog that looks a bit like a cat, and a cat that looks a bit like a dog.

Add to that a massive hand, a winged woman beast and a small child like man on a horse, and there are plenty of fascinating sculptures to be photographed alongside.
Some are sensual, most are unusual – all are abstract.
The open air museum is also home to an array of different local characters selling everything from hats to souvenirs, soft drinks to chewing gum.
This can get a little tedious after a while but goes with the tourist territory – just be sure to watch your valuables and avoid visiting after the sun goes down.

From time to time there are also performances in the plaza (I saw a girl group rapping about gender equality which was cool) and there is also a guy dressed as a clown that impersonates people’s walking styles quite well.
This can entertain you as you relax after taking your photos; however you may end up sitting down slightly longer than anticipated as you try to avoid the embarrassment of finding out that you walk like a Neanderthal. At least you are not a winged woman beast.
Plaza Botero is a must see tourist attraction that is great for a short and sweet visit.
It’s a good thing they have a word like art to describe this; otherwise I have other words I would use but cant say those here [S]
We were in that plaza just a year ago! There were a bunch of us South Africans from Zululand visiting friends in Medellin. Awesome memories, sights, sounds, food and of course… people. Loved it and seriously looking forward to the next visit!