Before this weekend kicks off tomorrow, I better catch you up on the last one.
I had been meaning to check out the nightlife in my backyard, Envigado, since I moved into Maira´s apartment, but usually ended up in another part of the city on the weekend.
Luckily, Martin was up for a walk and we headed out around 10 pm to see what was stirring. No metros, no taxis, no buses, just walking.
We made our way up to Parque Envigado which was bustling with people. Lots of teenagers were hanging out on the church steps, and around the park, which is a common scene in Medellin´s neighborhoods.
I bought a beer from one of the little shops, and sat with Martin by a fountain.
We then proceeded to make a loop of a few adjacent city blocks, which lead us past many bars, though we didn´t stop in them.
On our way back to the apartment, we passed two discos which Jacob had pointed out to me a few weeks before, but neither had any people.
And lastly, we happened upon La Bota, which I had yet to see at night. As Jacob described, it was a strip of about 8 to 10 bars, and packed with people sitting outside, drinking and talking and doing whatever it is we do when we´re out to have a good time on a Friday night.
Martin and I sat down in Moe´s Bar first, which is named after The Simpsons´character, and bears the same theme on the sign outside, and within on the walls.
Surprisingly, there was a $9 minimum, and neither of us intended to drink that much, so we tried the pirate-themed bar next door. No minimum, so I had a few beers while Martin drank his usual bottle of water.
The music was loud, but I enjoyed the mix of salsa, reggaeton, rock and pop. Unfortunately, there wasn´t much mingling going on – mostly just friends and couples hanging out with people they already knew, or friends of friends.
I much prefer a place like La Octava or Octavia or Blue where more people are standing around and within easier reach to strike up a conversation.
It was an early night, which was good, since Saturday would be a late one.
Good article, even though I am commenting 10 years later haha. I am staying in Envigado and am curious about the nightlife