Movie Time and a Little Politics


A few days ago, we went to the theater at Centro Colombo Americano to watch Waltz with Bashir, an animated war documentary. With the spoken language in Hebrew, and the subtitles in Spanish, I understood little of what was being said. I did already know what the movie was about, so I followed along the best I could. Overall, I enjoyed it.

We later watched Che over at a friend’s house. We made dinner for everyone, and they explained what significance this kind of movie had for them. Revolution still hits close to home here.  I’ve met quite a few locals who have some close ties to the fighting that has gone on here.  One girl I know told me that her Uncle is still being held captive.  Through my eyes, looking at Medellin today, those things seem like they should be in a more distant past.  The city’s past and current growth is nothing short of mesmerizing.

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I love relaxing and enjoying the view of life. Whether the view is from the top of a BASE object, or from my balcony in Envigado, Colombia. I love life when it's up, and I'm trying harder to love life when it's down as well. My biggest loves in life are (in order!) Family, BASE, Music, Boys that play music, and Alcohol. I get along with everyone that doesn't take me too seriously, and with people that are ok with the fact that you should disregard almost anything I say when I'm drunk!