Editor’s Note: As of at least September 2014, Karma closed for business and has been replaced by another club called Fun.
Ok, let’s pick up where we left off. The last time I wrote about a nightlife experience, I was at La Caverna de Baco. You remember, don’t you?
It’s that place on Calle 33 in Belén, just west of the Rio Medellín? Well, if you don’t, that’s where I was, having a great time. But that’s only where the night began.
While we were there, one of Lucas’s friends invited us to go with him and his friends to a nightclub, a place in Barrio Colombia called Karma.
They know the owner of the club and we got in for free. He was a really nice guy. So were his employees. The bouncers were friendly and the bartenders worked fast.
It wasn’t a big place, but the atmosphere was great and it was pretty busy for a Sunday night. It was dark, mostly, the strobe light being about the only light there was.
We found a table toward the back of the place, just outside the VIP section. At this point, there were only six of us because Lucas’s friend Catherine had taken a cab home.
The music was mostly reggaeton, with some house and hip hop mixed in for good measure. Katherine and her friends wanted to dance. I couldn’t. I’m still nursing the ankle I hurt when I was playing basketball with my brother when I was on Christmas vacation in Florida.
Instead, I just waited until someone came to sit back down, and then I talked to whoever sat next to me. Most of the time, it was Katherine. She wanted to know a lot about Hawaii and I was happy to tell her everything I knew from my experience growing up there.
A little later, another one of Lucas’s friends showed up. Yeyo was at the club with his cousins, Raul and Juan, who are visiting Medellín from New York.
Raul came to visit Yeyo for a week. That was a year ago. Raul isn’t going to stay that long, but he did extend his trip. Instead of going back to Bogotá, he decided to spend more of his vacation in Medellín.
This city sure has a way of making you fall in love with it.
We all agreed that the people are some of the nicest you will ever meet and that you can’t beat the weather in a place where it’s like spring everyday.
Eventually we said goodbye to Katherine and her friends. Yeyo invited us to hang out with them at his house in Envigado to have a few drinks. Paisas are very hospitable.
We ended up staying there for the night, and the next day, Yeyo ordered Chinese food for everyone and refused to take any money from us. As we were leaving, we thanked him.
He invited us to go fishing sometime.
Hi Ryan! Thanks for sharing some of your night out! It’s cool! Looks like you really had a great time!
Yeah, I’m in mad, neverending love with this place.