With the home team victorious, I joined Adriaan and Nicholas for a taxi ride back to Centro. Once there, we went to El Eslabon Prendido (see Nightlife page for address) for a post-game drink. I had recently learned about this popular salsa club, and since it was just a block or two from both guys’ apartments near Parque Periodista, it was a convenient choice. The owner is a big Medellin fan, as indicated by the giant red and blue banner he had in front of the bar.
The bar itself was long and rectangular, with tables and chairs lining the walls, leaving open space for dancing in the middle. Unfortunately, it wasn’t too crowded and there was no one dancing, but it was still a good reconnaissance opportunity. The center of the city doesn’t have the best reputation for safety at night, but I always feel a bit more comfortable when I am with Colombian friends. At any rate, once my salsa dancing begins to improve, I plan to check it out on a Friday or Saturday night.
Adriaan retired from the bar, and Nicholas invited me over to his apartment for one more beer. And if I was staying at an apartment like his, I would be inviting people over too. The main space is an art gallery, and there were some great prints on display by a Colombian artist depicting psychedelic mushrooms and vegetables fighting one another (my favorite was entitled “Broccoli versus Cauliflower”). The designer’s theme was related to dream imagery. There was also a spacious balcony which had a great view over one of the main streets below. I met one of his roommates, and took a card for the gallery, hoping I could attend the next art opening.