The contents of my daypack have morphed slowly over the last few weeks, as I have made the mental switch from nomadic backpacker interested in seeing the world to Medellin ¨resident¨ interested in learning Spanish and teaching English.
As a result, I thought it would be fun to share the contents of my daypack these days.
- map of Medellin
- yellow pad of paper – used for my Spanish/English classes with Rodrigo, and other random purposes
- personal journal and a pen
- a blue folder with copies of my teaching advertisement in black and white and color, resume, and teaching rates
- small nylon dry bag (because it rains often here)
- digital camera
- SD card reader
- mp3 player and USB cable (for recharging it)
- English – Spanish dictionary (pocket size)
- self-made flash cards for improving my Spanish vocabulary
- stapler and blue tape (for posting ads)
- bottle of water and gum
- spare change (great for buses)
- apartment keys, copy of passport, and other random bits of paper with various addresses (handy for giving taxi drivers)
In my pocket, I carry a cell phone I bought in Medellin, and a small amount of pesos.
I think that about covers it, though I am long overdue for an umbrella!