
Towns Near Medellín: Jericó

Located three hours by bus from Medellín, Jericó offers much more than religious tourism, including paragliding, hiking, and horseback riding.

3 years ago

900 KM of Colombia by Land: Manizales to Bucaramanga

Earlier this year, Ximena's family traveled 900 km of Colombia by land, here's why she enjoyed the ride and the…

8 years ago

Caribbean Beaches: Capurgana, Sapzurro and Aguacate

In the final part of this two-part series, I describe the different beaches at Aguacate, Sapzurro, and Capurgana, and the…

8 years ago

Overland Journey to the Beaches of Choco

In the first of a two-part series, I describe the overland journey from Medellín to the beaches of Choco, near…

8 years ago

Finca de Don Aristides: Visiting the Juan Valdez of the Silleteros

Dave and friends visit the Finca of Don Aristides, known as the Juan Valdez of the silleteros to learn more…

8 years ago

Caño Cristales: “The River of Five Colors”

Known as the "River of Five Colors" or "The Liquid Rainbow," Caño Cristales is one of Colombia's natural treasures.

9 years ago

Celebrating Christmas with a Paisa Family

I doubt there’s another country that takes December as seriously as Colombia does. This is my experience, a Christmas party…

9 years ago

Parque Poblado: A Popular Place to Meet and Drink Outdoors

Parque Poblado is the ideal outdoor spot to meet up with friends for a drink before a night out in…

9 years ago

An Interactive Flower Tour with Casa de Colombia and Entre Flores

On their new tour in La Ceja, Entre Flores offers guests an interactive learning experience and a chance to get…

9 years ago

Medellín Guide: Now Available in App Store

The Medellín Guide is a free iPhone app featuring the best of Medellín, Colombia, including restaurants, cafés, nightlife, attractions and…

9 years ago

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