English Discussions in El Poblado

A small cafe in Near Casa Kiwi (in El Poblado) called Tinto Tintero offers free English discussions every Tuesday night at 8pm.  The topics are very diverse and can be funny, meaningful, or just intriguing.

I have been to three of them since I have been in Medellin, and I find it’s a great way to keep up my English awareness while I’m here.  Also, it’s a great way to meet locals that speak enough English to communicate with me.  It’s been pretty enjoyable to attend.

Last time I attended, I ran into the lead singer of Atrefacto (A band I had just seen play the day before at Altavoz).  He was kind enough to speak to me after the class, and he invited me to see him play at the bar he works at.  Yay, random networking.

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I love relaxing and enjoying the view of life. Whether the view is from the top of a BASE object, or from my balcony in Envigado, Colombia. I love life when it's up, and I'm trying harder to love life when it's down as well. My biggest loves in life are (in order!) Family, BASE, Music, Boys that play music, and Alcohol. I get along with everyone that doesn't take me too seriously, and with people that are ok with the fact that you should disregard almost anything I say when I'm drunk!

View Comments

  • Hi this sound's great, Iam planning to move very soon to medellin, my wife and myself have

    purchased a property from her aunty and were planning to keep renting this property, We

    have had enough of the u.k at present and our looking to start a life in medellin.

    So it's good to know where we can meet up with people once we make the move, I have been

    offered a couple of job's teaching spoken English at some local school's, also working in

    a family business..

    Were in our thirty's iam 32 and my wife is 29, it would be great if we could hear from

    people already living the life there, i also speak no spanish and have been told i can

    teach english at the university a few hours a week in exchange for spanish lessons..


    • Hey Neil! It sounds like you've got things pretty well worked out for your move to Medellin. It can be hard to secure those teaching jobs at the bigger schools. Which University were you looking at to get Spanish lessons for exchange? What kind of business does the family here have? I run into people that speak English at very random places. Poblado is pretty much crawling with English speakers. It's not impossible to live here for many years without speaking Spanish, if you really don't want to.
      Let me know when you're coming in,

  • Hi

    Nice to know there are people in a similar situation to me. I will be moving to Medellin in January and I cant wait. My boyfriend's job has been transferred and Im coming along for the ride. So happy to leave cold London behind.

    Im still planning what im going to do with my time, I want to do something new and different and until I get there i dont know what that is.

    Neil, when are you moving?


  • Hi sar, we aim to move early january,spending a last christmas here in the uk.
    What doe's you boyfriend do to have his work move to colombia? Are you both same nationality?
    What do you do at present?
    Have you ever been to medellin?


  • Hi,

    We have just arrived home from medellin this morning. Its great, I really liked it. I think its going to be a shock to the system but i cant wait. My spanish is going to have to get loads better though. It will be tough without any at all.

    We are also moving in January probably the last few weeks as we were told that the first 2 weeks of January most people are on holiday and not much gets done. We are both English and both very excited. Do you know where you are going to be living?


  • Can't remember name but it's 5 minute's drive from her mother's house..beautiful house on a private complex...yes that's what my wife said about january not much gets done, If you would like sar you can mail us on southcoastnelly1977@yahoo.co.uk
    Would be nice to know someone from our neck of the wood's so to speak...

    Neil & paula

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